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Set Goals with a 2024 Interactive Calendar

Get Creative with Our 2024 Interactive Calendar

Welcome to 2024! A new year is like turning to the first page in a blank journal – filled with all sorts of possibilities. We have a useful tool to inspire you to get things off to a great start…our 2024 Printable Coloring Calendar, with fun coloring pages and motivational quotes for each month. Click this link to receive your 2024 calendar right in your email inbox! We hope you’ll get your family involved and come up with both individual and group goals for the entire year.

In addition to those normal daily commitments, plan out fun activities each month like a crafting day, volunteering, and exploring a new city!  Of course, we know firsthand that adding time for artistic pursuits decreases stress, increases joy, and sparks ideas. So be sure to make time to tap into your creativity this year. This planner is designed to encourage you to focus on activities that fill you with excitement. The coloring pages are a reminder to take time for yourself each day!

Make Your Goals Clear and Specific. For example, if better health and wellness is your aim, make it actionable: increased hours of sleep, number of miles walked, days set aside for meditation, etc.

Keep Track of Your Progress. Pick a measurement that helps you understand your headway. If you want to decrease screen time and read more, make a To-Read List, then track how many books you’ve read over the month Over time you’ll see your accomplishments in a tangible way!

Be Patient. Change doesn’t happen overnight. We all work at different paces and if you stick with it, you’ll get where you want to be.

Share your Goals with Friends and Family. Accountability is key! It’s important to have that support to keep you going when the going gets rough.

Schedule It. Establishing priorities is essential for attaining your goals. No one finds spare time, you have to make it. We believe in you!

Fall Off the Wagon. It’s okay, just get back on! Don’t throw in the towel over a lapse or two. We promise, your wellness plan isn’t ruined if you had a milkshake instead of a smoothie on a hectic day.

Reflect. Where do you struggle when it comes to your goals? Is it keeping track of how you’re doing? Is it motivation? Outline it below, and think about how the tips above can be used to get rid of your obstacles.

Use the provided blank page to outline your goals and jot down ideas. Our wish for you is to use this calendar not only to organize your life but to visualize the life of your dreams. This is your year!

We’d love to see how you use your 2024 Interactive Calendar! Share with us on Instagram and Facebook @hellodragonflyfun.


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